Assistant or Associate Research Professor – CESAR - Center for Addiction, Substance Use & Health Research & GMAP – Global Mental Health and Addiction Program:
We are seeking an Assistant or Associate Research Professor with training and expertise in addiction science, interventions/ implementation science, and/or global mental health.
Together with Dr. Jessica Magidson, the Assistant or Associate Research Professor will help support a multi-disciplinary research team that spans both CESAR, directed by Dr. Magidson, and Dr. Magidson’s Global Mental Health and Addiction Program (GMAP) lab in the Psychology department in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. There will also be ample opportunities for this position to lead an independent line of research and encouraged to develop their own portfolio of external awards, including to support their own Division/team within the larger Center.
The team consists of graduate students, full- and part-time research staff, volunteers, and community partners. The team is leading several active NIH-funded trials focused on both local and addiction science and peer-delivered evidence-based interventions, including an:
R01 trial evaluating the integration of a peer-delivered, stepped care, substance use intervention in HIV care in South Africa;
R01 trial evaluating a peer-delivered behavioral intervention to reduce polysubstance use and support retention in a mobile treatment unit for opioid use in rural Maryland; and
R33 trial evaluating a peer-delivered behavioral activation intervention to support retention in methadone treatment in Baltimore City.
There are several trials also focused on examining how peer-delivered interventions may reduce stigma around substance use in local and global settings that are in the final phases with many opportunities for data analysis. Responsibilities include clinical supervision of peer interventionists; supporting and leading data analysis; manuscript preparation and grant writing; forming and maintaining relationships with community and other study partners; co-mentoring the research team in conference presentations and publications.
Note for non-clinical PhDs: If a candidate has a relevant PhD that is non-clinical (e.g., public health), there are options for adapting this position to focus more on data analysis and non-clinical responsibilities across trials. Further, although direct clinical care will not be required for this position, there are opportunities to build in clinical responsibilities in partnership with UMB School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, and clinical supervision for licensure will be available if of interest. There may also be opportunities for teaching undergraduate or graduate courses, including clinical supervision for graduate students, in the clinical psychology program at UMD depending on interests and course availability.
Necessary qualifications include:
a PhD in Clinical Psychology, Public Health, or related field;
experience in the conduct of clinical research, particularly in addictions, global mental health, or community-based research; and
excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills.
Applicants who have research specialization in health disparities, addiction science, implementation science, global mental health, peer recovery models, and/or social determinants of health will be given strongest consideration. Experience delivering and supervising behavioral interventions (e.g., behavioral activation, problem solving, mindfulness) and/or work with peer recovery specialists are strengths but not a requirement for the position. Similarly, experience with longitudinal data analysis is a strength but not a requirement for the position.
Interested applicants: Send your CV, a cover letter, a writing sample, and contact information for three references to Dr. Jessica Magidson ( and Ms. Lea Simms ( with the subject line “Assistant or Associate Research Professor – CESAR/GMAP.” Email inquiries are welcome.
Acceptance: Applications will be reviewed as they are received until the position is filled.
Term: This is a one-year position at minimum (ideally at least two years, with the possibility of renewal for additional years contingent upon funding).
Start date: Flexible in 2024.
Location: University of Maryland, College Park.
Last modified: 08/28/2023