
Syndemic Factors Influencing Retention in MAT for Opioid Use Disorder in Baltimore, MD

This is a mixed methods study partnering with the University of Maryland Drug Treatment Center (UMDTC), a community-based, outpatient substance use treatment center in West Baltimore. This project aims to determine the prevalence and types of psychosocial and structural syndemic factors among individuals initiating Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) for OUD and the relation between syndemic factors and subsequent 6-month retention in an MMT program. 

Location: Baltimore, MD; Funding: Dean’s Research Initiative; PIs: Kleinman, Magidson, Greenblatt; Opportunities for students to be involved in study coordination, qualitative analyses, and secondary data analysis. 

Publication of results:

Syndemic barriers to successful treatment outcomes for individuals receiving medication for opioid use disorder

Psychosocial challenges affecting patient-defined medication for opioid use disorder treatment outcomes in a low-income, underserved population: Application of the social-ecological framework