Antoinette Dorzon

Graduate Research Assistant

Antoinette Dorzon is in the Clinical Psychological Science Master’s program. Antoinette received her BS in Psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park, where she worked in the university’s health center as a mental health peer educator. She recently joined GMAP, as a research assistant and splits her time working on the PRISM and Siyakhana studies. The PRISM study evaluates the effectiveness of interventions delivered by peers on polysubstance use. The Siyakhana study evaluates the effectiveness of training community health care workers (CHWs) in South Africa to decrease stigma surrounding substance use and mental health. In both studies, Antoinette provides support for qualitative interviews by cleaning transcriptions and coding interviews. She is also interested in the stigma surrounding mental health in minority communities and sociocultural risk and protective factors for substance use.


University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD
B.S. Psychology

University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
M.P.S. Clinical Psychological Science (expected May 2025)